
Welcome to davaoportal (, your online listing for businesses in Davao City and the rest of Davao Region.

Why advertise with us:

We are on top of Google search results for the keywords: “davao businesses”, “davao business listings”, “businesses in davao”

why advertise on davaoportal

We can help boost your business’s online presence through different methods:

  1. Banner Advertising – your banner ad is placed on the side column of davaoportal website
  2. Advertorial – Your content is posted on our blog (maximum number links back to your page is 2)
  3. Social media sharing (your company profile or product or service is posted on our social media account)
  4. Any business promotion idea you have in mind (let’s see if we can meet in between)

Contact us  for inquiries, more details, and pricing

Davao Portal Team