
In as much as we, members of the Davao Portal Team, always strive to provide you, our readers, with the most accurate, detailed, and current information about Davao, particularly local business profiles and related information, we cannot guarantee that we can always give you business details with 100% accuracy  because of the following reasons:

  1. Business information posted here is either submitted to us or scraped from public sources on the Internet such as public information obtained from government agencies.
  2. Correct information submitted to us today might be soon a bit outdated because of the constantly-changing nature of company details – e.g. company might transfer to a new location or has a new name (or even no longer operating).
  3. In rare cases, some companies themselves give not-so-detailed/accurate information for some reasons.

Therefore, we, the Davao Portal Team, encourage everyone to verify the information with other sources, including the companies themselves.

And, again, we always strive to give you the latest and the most accurate information about businesses in Davao City and the rest of Davao Region.


Davao Portal Team