Davao Portal List of Top Performing Businesses in 2013 Based on the Total Number Of Pageviews, Visits

In 2013, Davao Portal generated 178,989 total pageviews from 102,877 total number of visits, where 82,480 of these visits were unique (from different individuals). For a newly-established website such as the DP, having these figures is quite an achievement for us, considering that we were able to achieve it a short span of time  (DP is 1 year and 5 months old – as of this posting). And the team here is optimistic that the website’s traffic will continue to rise in the coming years; and, ultimately, will be able to help even a bigger number of Davao-based/local businesses in connecting/reaching potential customers and business prospects, as well as in  providing business information/details to people who need them.

Early this month, we announced over our social media accounts that we wanted to share with you the information about which particular listings (listing means submitted business profile on DP) were the top performers in 2013 based on the total number of page views and visits. Each business submitted to Davao Portal has its own unique page dedicated to it;  so, it is pretty easy to sort and analyze the numbers. Specifically, we have listed here the top 12; we pulled our data from one of website performance tools we have been using – Google Analytics.

So, here they are: Davao Portal top performing local businesses in 2013.

Based on the number of pageviews:

  1. D’ Leonor Inland Resort and Adventure Park – 12,239
  2. McDonald’s Davao City Branches – 5,588
  3. Sunny Point Function Plaza – 4,105
  4. University of Mindanao – 3,701
  5. QueensLand Hotel Davao – 3,452
  6. Villa de Mercedes Inland Resort – 3,375
  7. LBC Express, Inc. – Davao City Branches – 2,794
  8. Jollibee Davao City Branches – 2,600
  9. NCCC Mall of Davao and NCCC Branches – 1,944
  10. Pearl Farm Beach Resort – 1,742
  11. Gaisano Mall of Davao (G-Mall) – 1,620
  12. Eden Nature Park and Resort – 1,418


Based on the number of visits:

  1. D’ Leonor Inland Resort and Adventure Park – 8,445
  2. McDonald’s Davao City Branches – 4,794
  3. Sunny Point Function Plaza – 3,135
  4. University of Mindanao – 2,825
  5. QueensLand Hotel Davao – 2,526
  6. LBC Express, Inc. – Davao City Branches – 2,419
  7. Jollibee Davao City Branches – 2,186
  8. Villa de Mercedes Inland Resort – 1,847
  9. NCCC Mall of Davao and NCCC Branches – 1,688
  10. Gaisano Mall of Davao (G-Mall) – 1,371
  11. Pearl Farm Beach Resort – 1,193
  12. BPI Davao Branches – 1,165

See also: The Top 100 pages based on the total number of visits in 2013


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By davaoportal

Online Listings for Davao-based Businesses and Information

January 16, 2014 11:47 pm

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